Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Now what?

So I'm at the feed store picking up another bag of organic layer pellets. There's only one store in town that offers the organic stuff, so I make a trip out there every couple of months for a bag. This time the woman behind the counter says, "We have organic scratch now, too."

Well, that's great! I'd asked about organic scratch before and it hadn't been available. But apparently I wasn't the only one asking for it, so they contacted their supplier and now they're carrying it. She seemed so pleased that she'd been able to respond to the needs of her customers. That's why we support small, local businesses, right?

So I said sure, I'd take some organic scratch, even though we had plenty at home. I was expecting a little 5 or 10 pound back, which is what I usually buy, but when I went out to the car, they were loading this in the trunk.

"Uh...don't you have it in little bags?" I asked. I have four hens and they get a small handful of scratch as a treat once or twice a day. It takes forever to get through the little bags.

"Nope!" the guy loading my car said cheerfully. So I just smiled and closed the trunk, then drove home wondering how many years it would take to get through this bag, much less where I would put it in the meantime. Anybody need some scratch? I've got plenty to spare. Posted by Picasa