Thursday, March 30, 2006

Chickens Elude Authorities

This just in:

"Members of Manatee County Animal Services were unable to round up the feral chickens that have been roaming 16th Avenue West in the Village of the Arts.

Enforcement supervisor Larry Adams and field officers Jerry Hill and Joyce Bentley tried for nearly two hours to no avail Monday.

"We'd try to catch them and they'd go in flight," Adams said. "They didn't respond to the cracked corn we'd spread, either. We had a castnet, but couldn't get close enough. We're going to try to work on some other avenues and try again."

Well, yeah! They're not stupid, you know! Chickens have a powerful genetic memory that encourages them to resist any organized attempts to round them up and take them away.

Bradenton Herald 03/28/2006 Chickens elude authorities