The Jay Leno Arkadelphia Chicken Video
This is so brilliant, folks. Thanks to Brian & Enis for sending a link so I could share it with you. Terry Bradshaw's the other guest, and he may be the funniest part of the whole deal.
The Arkadelphia Chicken
This is so brilliant, folks. Thanks to Brian & Enis for sending a link so I could share it with you. Terry Bradshaw's the other guest, and he may be the funniest part of the whole deal.
I totally want one of these. Don't my girls deserve an airy, lofty A-frame?
Find out more at The Easy Chicken. They also sell lots of interesting poultry supplies. It's actually a good thing I don't have much time on my hands, or I'd be shopping for them, drafting up architectural plans, and most of all, cruising the feed stores to look at the baby peeps, all of whom want very much to come home with me.
I wish I could share this woman's appearance on Jay Leno, which my aunt June e-mailed to me, but I don't have a way to post a video on the blog and I haven't found it online yet. It's about the funniest piece of television you've ever seen. I'll keep looking.
Thanks to Roni for this one: a circuit board made of chicken feathers and soy. Yeah, we just build electronics with whatever we've got laying around the house. (get it?)
Man, this chicken thing is complicated. Dolley recovered perfectly from her impacted crop (if you're surfing around for crop info, check the February and March 2006 archives), but about three weeks later, we saw Return of Big Crop. I had heard that once a crop gets stretched out, it'll stay that way, but this time instead of containing a hard mass, her crop was softer and full of liquid, like a water balloon.