Update on Dolley

Here she is having some plain yogurt. The idea is to get some healthy active cultures in her digestive tract to help her with digestion. Plus, she loves yogurt.

Dolley's developed this monster crop lately (for you non-poultry types, the crop is an organ just under the skin on the chicken's chest where food goes for the first stage of digestion), and we're not sure if it's impacted or what. It's sort of soft and squishy, but always big--larger than a golf ball, smaller than a tennis ball. She's also making this swallowing move like she's trying to get something down.
Turns out maybe chickens could have teeth, after all.
Scientists have discovered a mutant chicken with a full set of crocodile-like chompers. The mutant chick, called Talpid, also had severe limb defects and died before hatching. It was discovered 50 years ago, but no one had ever examined its mouth until now.
The researchers recently created more Talpids by tweaking the genes of normal chickens to grow teeth. "What we discovered were teeth similar to those of crocodiles—not surprising as birds are the closest living relatives of the reptile," said Mark Ferguson of the University of Manchester."
By making a few changes to the expression of certain molecules in the pathway, the researchers were able to induce tooth growth in normal developing chickens. These teeth also looked like reptilian teeth and shared many of the same genetic traits, supporting the scientists' hypothesis. None of these chickens were allowed to hatch.
We take a break from our regularly scheduled chicken programming for a special announcement:
Did you know there are wild chickens all over this island? Literally, all
over the island.
The chickens in this photo closed in on us like a pack of hungry wolves
while we were eating lunch at Secret Falls on the Wailua River. As we were
about to leave, one of the roosters announced some new additions to the family.
We approached to see a hen leaving three eggs in this little nest between some
If I were a chicken, I'd want to live here too.
Sign of the Shovel writes about chickens, composting, and more at her blog. Today's topics: