All I Want for Christmas..

That's right--Heifer International will take your $20 donation and turn it into a flock of baby chicks who will feed and delight an impoverished family.
You can also give honeybees, llamas, goats, cows, and more.
That's right--Heifer International will take your $20 donation and turn it into a flock of baby chicks who will feed and delight an impoverished family.
You can also give honeybees, llamas, goats, cows, and more.
I now have a recurring chicken dream. It always involves taking the chickens somewhere (which we have never actually done) and them getting lost. I spend most of the dream looking for them, and wherever we are, there are lots of chickens so sometimes I can't tell whether I have found, say, Eleanor, or another Rhode Island Red. So I spend a lot of time walking up to chickens and saying, "Are you Eleanor?"
We've had a little sun this week and the chickens are just overjoyed to get out and enjoy it. Now that winter is here and it's not quite as much fun to sit outside with them, we have started to let them out by themselves as long as we are downstairs (in the morning, eating breakfast, for instance) so that we could hear them if there was any trouble.